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“Flush out the Corruption”

1 Corinthians 3:17b

...for God's temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.

Thoughts for Today:

In John 2:12-25, Jesus had made His way from Capernaum to Jerusalem for the Passover Celebration. As He entered the temple courts, He found merchants and money changers preying upon the people who had come to worship. Demonstrating a righteous zeal, Jesus made a whip of cords, overturned the tables, and drove them all from the temple grounds. Why was Jesus upset? Because they had turned a place of worship into a money-making enterprise.

So what's the significance of Paul's reference to the temple of God? We know from the Old Testament that God's temple was a holy place. It was not only where His people came to worship, but also the physical location of His visible presence. In our passage today, Paul reminds us that God's temple is still sacred and one in which He continues to dwell. However, the temple is no longer located in Jerusalem. The church body is God's temple and He now resides in each of us.

Questions to Ponder:

If Jesus came to the temple of God in us today, would He have the same reaction to the corrupt merchants and money changers? Would He find blatant sin ruining God's temple? Would He find it polluted and corrupted? If your temple is clean and holy -- a suitable place for God to live -- then praise the Lord. If it is not, then we need to do what Jesus did -- flush out the corruption from the temple courts. If God cannot live in our house today, then we shouldn't expect to live with privileges in His mansion for eternity.

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About the author

Pocket Devotions are written by Mike Brooks. A retired businessman, he is Moderator of South Shores church, leads the Deacon Board, serves on the finance committee, and he teaches a Men's Bible study and the Men's Ministry. Mike has a passion for evangelical missions. He is the husband of Sherry; the father of Ryan, Natalie, Krissy, Rebecca, and Amanda; the father-in-law of Ariel; and the grandfather of Conner and Christian.

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