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The Pocket Testament League

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이 페이지는 현재 영문판만 가능합니다. 우리는 전체 웹사이트가 번역되도록 노력중입니다. 여러분의 이해에 감사드립니다.

While fashion and trends change, our world’s need for a Savior does not. These videos demonstrate The Pocket Testament League’s rich history of sharing God’s Word internationally, one Testament at a time.

For more than 120 years, Pocket Testament League Members have shared a timeless message of the Gospel using a timeless method—distributing individual copies of the Gospel of John. As you share pocket-sized Gospels, be encouraged that you are part of a long, godly legacy of sharing the Good News all over the world!



Pocket Testament League Members saturate some of the most influential institutions in Nigeria: schools! Watch as members give students of all ages their very own Gospel of John. These students hear the clear message of the Gospel and take the Good News back to their Muslim homes. Without a doubt, countless Nigerians and their families came to Christ as a result of these faithful Members.



The bustling metropolis of São Paulo is filled with opportunities for Pocket Testament League Members to share the Good News. Freedom of religion, high literacy rates and partnering neighborhood churches allow Members to plant the seed of the Gospel into many hearts. Watch as the Gospel is proclaimed to packed crowds in public spaces, producing a great harvest for the Kingdom.


Latin America

Pastor Alfredo struggles with discouragement as his congregation attendance remains stagnant. Even his own daughter is uninterested in the Gospel. This all changes when The Pocket Testament League contacts Alfredo and offers to visit his community and bring along copies of the Gospel of John. Because of The League, Pastor Alfredo’s outreach is multiplied and is a direct answer to his prayers.



Images of the Vietnam War clutter history books with intense guerilla warfare and suffering. But little is known about the simultaneous warfare for the souls of men. Government and military officials allowed The Pocket Testament League direct access to Vietnam soldiers. Members shared pocket-sized Gospels with the soldiers and presented the Gospel to these men in uniform. Watch and rejoice in this eternal victory.

Read the Book of John in 21 Days

우리의 놀라운 역사

1893년, Helen Cadbury라는 이름의 소녀는 성경의 일부분을 가지고 넣고 다닐수 있도록 옷에 주머니를 만들었습니다. 그녀는 매일 성경 몇 구절을 적고 이것을 한 사람에게 나눌수 있기를 기도했습니다. 그녀는 친구들을 포켓 성경 연맹이라고 불리는 그룹에 참여시켰습니다. Helen이 남긴 유산은 현재에도 남아 연맹이 전세계 수백만의 기독교인들이 다른 사람들에게 현존하는 가장 중요한 책을 나눌수 있도록 합니다.

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