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About The Pocket Testament League

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이 페이지는 현재 영문판만 가능합니다. 우리는 전체 웹사이트가 번역되도록 노력중입니다. 여러분의 이해에 감사드립니다.

Free Gospels of John booklets for personal evangelismThe Pocket Testament League has, since 1893, motivated Christians to read, carry and share the Word of God. Started as the vision of a teenage girl named Helen Cadbury, The Pocket Testament League provides resources to help believers develop a lifestyle of biblical discipline and personal evangelism. The ministry also encourages people to support others who are sharing their faith, through a unique sponsorship program in which sponsors actually receive feedback from those they sponsor showing how lives are being changed.

Our members have shared more than 110 million Gospels during the history of this Christian outreach ministry, forever changing millions of lives around the world. The ministry is designed to equip Christians who are serious about sharing their faith with others.

Our Gospels of John and other resources are offered in English, Spanish and Chinese, and in several Scripture versions. Membership is completely free. Members may order Gospels to give away as special gifts in one-on-one encounters in their day-to-day lives.

What is membership?

Join nowAs a member and a Christian, you're invited to dedicate one of your pockets to the Lord, even the pocket of a purse or briefcase. Then use that pocket to share your faith with others. We've made it easy! As a member, you have access to a number of free resources. And it costs you nothing to join.

Every morning, place one of our Gospels of John in your pocket or purse as you leave your home. Prayerfully look for an evangelism opportunity throughout the course of the day to give that Gospel away as a free gift to someone you meet. More often than not, people are delighted to receive these quality publications and many decisions for Christ have been made. Our members frequently share their inspiring stories online.

More about the League

The Pocket Testament League is a relatively small non-profit organization serving a very large number of members. A tiny, dedicated team looks after the sharing needs of 864,546 members! To make the most of the financial resources God has granted to us through our precious donors, we keep things as lean as possible.

We may have been around a while, but we operate in a high-tech, low-cost way because it means more of our funds can go towards the production and shipping of Gospels of John.

Our staff is scattered around North America. We work out of our homes to keep overhead low. Our warehouse is near Philadelphia. Our staff is very small, and some work part time. Almost all of our Gospels are ordered online because this is most efficient, and we manage the growth of the ministry electronically. We are managed by a 15-person Board of Trustees. We keep our costs exceptionally low, because this puts more dollars into producing the Word of God.

Read the Book of John in 21 Days

우리의 놀라운 역사

1893년, Helen Cadbury라는 이름의 소녀는 성경의 일부분을 가지고 넣고 다닐수 있도록 옷에 주머니를 만들었습니다. 그녀는 매일 성경 몇 구절을 적고 이것을 한 사람에게 나눌수 있기를 기도했습니다. 그녀는 친구들을 포켓 성경 연맹이라고 불리는 그룹에 참여시켰습니다. Helen이 남긴 유산은 현재에도 남아 연맹이 전세계 수백만의 기독교인들이 다른 사람들에게 현존하는 가장 중요한 책을 나눌수 있도록 합니다.

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